Image of VW Passat W8

VW Passat W8 (B5) specs

Price in US $37,900 - $39,975
Car type 4-door saloon
Curb weight 1730-1804 kg (3814-3977 lbs)
Introduced 2001
Origin country Germany
Gas mileage 18.8-9.2 l/100 km (13-26 mpg US / 15-31 mpg UK)
Views 60.9k
Submitted by Georg

Acceleration (kph)

0 - 80 kph6.0 s
0 - 100 kph6.5 s
0 - 120 kph11.0 s
0 - 140 kph14.8 s
0 - 160 kph19.0 s
0 - 180 kph24.0 s
0 - 200 kph33.8 s
1000 m28.5 s

Acceleration (mph)

0 - 30 mph1.7 s
0 - 40 mph3.2 s
0 - 50 mph4.6 s
0 - 60 mph6.4 s
0 - 70 mph8.5 s
0 - 80 mph10.7 s
0 - 90 mph13.4 s
0 - 100 mph17.2 s
1/4 mile14.5 s @ 95.1 mph
VW Passat W8 acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed250 kph (155 mph)
18m slalom64.5 kph (40.1 mph)
600ft slalom104.0 kph (64.6 mph)
Lateral acceleration0.80 g (8 m/s²)
100 kph - 035 m (116 ft)
200 kph - 0144 m (473 ft)
60 mph - 039 m (127 ft)

Powertrain specs

Engine type W8 32V n/a
Displacement 4.0 l (244 ci)
Power 275 ps (271 bhp / 202 kw)
Torque 370 Nm (273 lb-ft)
Power / liter 69 ps (68 hp)
Power / weight 156 ps (154 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 210 Nm (155 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 20 PS per l/100 km
Transmission 6 speed manual
Layout front engine, all wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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300Hp  3y ago

factory speed limited to 250km/h. after that engine rev limited 6400rpm = (GPS) 280km/h for 6manual gearbox and 300km/h for 5automatic

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BR2+  8y ago

lol So you think the Phaeton W12 hit 200mph+? This vehicle isnt faster then anyone thinks it is, Nor is it slower, It where it should be.

When will people understand theres a big difference between speedo runs, And actual verified runs? 200Mph on a speedo is more around 184Mph, Depending on the car and company, Not too mention how legit the run is, And conditions.

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Arandomw8owner  8y ago

I whole heartedly believe the passat w8 can exceed 170mph, ive hit 145 in mine so far in the middle of 6th gear. Also an ungoverned pheaton w12 has hit 200+ Mph. Dont underestimate vw, and dont discredit a vehicle because its faster than you want to believe it is.

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uptownfunker  9y ago

0-200 kph: 33.8 s

I'd say this is the German equivalent to the Mercury Marauder or the Oldsmobile Aurora 4.0.

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VW Veyron SS  14y ago

There's SOOOOO much evidence that the UNgoverned top speed of the Passat W8 is about 174 mph that THERE IS NO ROOM FOR DISCUSSION.
The people who doubt this probably also thought O.J. was innocent.
You guys are probably flat earthers too. How much friggin evidence do you need?
There's tons of W8 owners who have done it 174 mph just be disabling the governor. I'm going to believe them before I believe some kids on here who've never even seen a Passat W8 let alone driven one.

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Henry  14y ago

You guys know that there's a video of the top speed run on here right. You can get an idea of time there instead of trying to use new math.

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Apathy  14y ago

I'm not sure I can accept that E.
Unless you can tell me how many college physics courses you've taken.
Then it would be a completely different matter...

@Jeff B,

From what I've found, it takes the car over 35 seconds to get to its 136mph limiter. So you're going to need a pretty long stretch to hit 170... LOL

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E  14y ago

I couldn't find the front area online, and I was too lazy to estimate from a picture, so I did W*(H-ground clearance) and I got 167 mph with perfect gearing and zero rolling resistance. A little low, but of course real life testing is more valid than an excel spreadsheet.

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Jeff B  14y ago

Nope, I didn't take College Physics, because I took advanced Physics in HS. Not that this matters.
So the Passat could have an 170 mph top speed. How long does it take to get there? A year? 2 years?
I don't know why im arguing with you because I don't really care about this car. It's boring, and sure isn't a performance car.

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Apathy  14y ago

LOL. Look at the "I took one College Physics course" guy, completely ignoring frontal area in a statement regarding top speed.

The Passat has a good drag coefficient but also a sizable frontal area. I don't know if the car can go 170, and I don't really care actually. It's still just a Passat. Drag area, a combination of drag coefficient and frontal area is the complete relevant figure when determining a shape's terminal velocity.

Quick quiz: what's one of the absolute best ways to lower a vehicle's drag area?

BTW, .27 for a sedan is good, but nothing amazing. An E-class and the S-class both have Cd's of .26. There are a lot of sedans with .27 Cd's.

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VW Veyron SS  14y ago

Jeff B. you've never taken college physics have you? Well I have and changing the coefficient of drag of cars and increasing the top speed was one of the exercises we had. Take a look at HOW WRONG your horsepower numbers are. A Mazda RX7 needs only 186.3 WHP to hit 170 mph because the guy lowered the coefficient of drag with an aero kit.

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VW Veyron SS  14y ago

The fact is that it has already been proven since there are many W8 owners who have tested the ungoverned top speed of the Passat W8 to be well over 170 mph.
Here's an other guy who may have a slight headwind so he didn't get all the way to 174 mph, but close.
You also understand absolutely NOTHING about aerodynamics. When 2 cars weigh the same and have the exact same gearing ratios, but one has a far far lower coefficient of drag, the unrestricted top speed of the car with the lower coefficient of drag will be much much higher.

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Jeff B  14y ago

Because the Phaeton weighs 5300 pounds, of course it won't be fast 0-60...
It also has 414 hp, which can be enoigh with long gearing, 270 hp isn't enough, you need at least 320 or so.

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VW Veyron SS  14y ago

Also, Jeff B, how do you explain that a VW Phaeton W12 has a 5.9 second 0-60 and a 201 MPH Ungoverneed top speed? According to you it should have like a 156 mph ungoverned top speed.
Jeremy Clarkson tested an Ungoverned Phaeton W12 and verified its 201 mph top speed.
I trust him a lot more than some kid like you on this site who's just a hater because his car's probably has a much slower top speed than a Passat W8.

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VW Veyron SS  14y ago

The 0-60 time of the W8 is 6.4 according to motortrend, but many drivers have gotten 5.9 0-60.
Also keep in mind that the coefficient of drag is a super slippery 0.27 which makes a huge difference. For comparison, a Bentley Azure T has a BRICKLIKE 0.36 coefficient of drag, a 5.5 second 0-60 and a top speed of 179 mph, so a 174 mph UNgoverened top speed seems very possible for a super slippery Passat W8 Sport.

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VW Veyron SS  14y ago

Here's a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT Passat W8 Sport. Guess what, the top speed turns out to be EXACTLY THE SAME 280 km/h as it did on the Passat W8 that was GPS CONFIRMED.
I guess you guys have egg on your face.

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VW Veyron SS  14y ago

The ungoverned top speed of a Passat W8 is 174 mph, and it's been proven many times including GPS confirmation. Top speed isn't as much about power as it is about aerodynamics and gearing ratios.

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Jeff B  14y ago

Bullshit. No car goes from 0-60 in over 6.5 secs and has a top speed of 174..

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Apathy  14y ago

That source is far from reputable.

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gallardo man  14y ago

well its a voltswagon. super cheap on price. sometimes performace. sometimes

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VW Veyron SS  14y ago

BTW, the UNGOVERNED Top speed of this car 174mph/280 km/h GPS CONFIRMED. That beats some sedans that cost 5 times as much.

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VW Veyron SS  15y ago

According to Motortrend, the 1/4 mile for the Passat W8 Sport with 6 Speed Manual Transmission is 14.45@95mph.

0-30 1.7 sec
0-40 3.2
0-50 4.6
0-60 6.4
0-70 8.5
0-80 10.7
0-90 13.4
0-100 17.2

1/4 mile 14.45 sec @ 95.0 mph

Braking, 60-0 mph 127 ft

600-ft slalom 64.6 mph

Lateral acceleration 0.80 g avg

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VW Veyron SS  15y ago

The 6.5 0-100 km/h time is for the Tiptronic. The W8 Sport with the manual transmission is much faster.
I would say 5.9 0-60 mph, and 6.1 0-100 km/h.

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audi r8  16y ago

0-100 km/h was wrong !!
0-60 mph = 6.5s ( 62mph = 100km/h )