Image of Infiniti M35x

Infiniti M35x specs

Car type 4-door saloon
Curb weight 1875 kg (4134 lbs)
Years built 2006 - 2008
Origin country Japan
Views 6.7k


0 - 100 kph7.1 s
Top speed250 kph (155 mph)

Powertrain specs

Engine type V6
Displacement 3.5 l (214 ci)
Power 284 ps (280 bhp / 209 kw)
Torque 366 Nm (270 lb-ft) @ 4800 rpm
Power / liter 81 ps (80 hp)
Power / weight 151 ps (149 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 195 Nm (144 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 5 speed automatic
Layout front engine, all wheel drive
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Hoppelmoppel123  5m ago

@fastestlaps please change:
Name to "M35x"
366 nm
280 HP
5 speed automatic

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hostboy  3y ago

In America, everyone seems to love the V6 versions of the Japanese sedans. There's not much love for V8 Japanese sedans, with the exception of the Lexus LS and F models. Meanwhile, it is the other way around in regards to the German sedans.


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dr. cosimo   3y ago

hi bro, you should consider the fact that infiniti had a corrupt person involved named carlos ghosn and killed the brand so badly that it hardly received any updates or allowed for any changes to happen. his only goal was to see nissan and renault get merged and the french takeover and run the show.

after it was too late and the japs realized they f**ked up so badly and had no choice but to drag him out of his private plane when it landed in japan and start interrogating him like a criminal lol

lexsux ls is now following the same footsteps of infiniti and turning the car uglier with quality issues, if it weren’t for murica nobody would’ve known this rebadged toyoyoyo car and don’t get me started with the fake leather interior lol

i will post some pics later to show you what do i mean by fake japanese leather.

the german v8 is in demand because, let’s be honest, it delivers and delivers serious power and torque, unlike the japs that f**k you over every 1hp and charge you close to eu high-end sedans that perform better and stop faster vs spongy pedal from lexsux that someone blew the whistle on and put them on high alert fraudsters list and cost them millions and billions, all this mess they caused just to save few dollars… japanese economists lol

the only thing right to come out of toyoyoyo ceo mouth was, going full ev won’t happen in sub-sahara areas and mostly in africa, not because he cares, but because it will affect his suv sales for that particular region lol

remember, president donald trump said it long time ago, it’s some green bullshit they made up to kill our economy.

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hostboy  3y ago @dr. cosimo


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dr. cosimo  3y ago @hostboy

and this is supposed to be the latest and greatest from lexsux

no termites were found, the car was always parked indoor too



and the jd power list is by far the biggest bs list that exists lol

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hostboy  2y ago @dr. cosimo

Is that YOU behind that Lexsux?

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hostboy  2y ago @dr. cosimo

But the thing is that Lexus are not as expensive as you think. They're actually pretty decent performing cars for their price. If you think about it, MOST Lexus and Acuras, ESPECIALLY their red-blooded (F Performance and Type S) versions are only between one and three options away from being fully loaded, as opposed to a German competitor from BMW or Mercedes, which requires almost 100 options to be fully loaded.

The thing with Cadillac, Lincoln, BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, etc., is that American and German cars don't really carry the same value as their Japanese "competitors". Jaguar and Genesis have it even worse. Cadillac, Lincoln, Alfa Romeo, and Maserati all being the flagship divisions of Detroit's Big Three, divided loaded up multiple extra-pricey trims from their base trims. It's not the same with MOST Germans however. Audi and Lexus have ONLY RECENTLY followed into the footsteps of the luxury divisions of Motor City's Big Three.

As far as Infiniti goes, yeah their cars are absolute junk. Their cars typically have a gorgeous exterior, but they have a terrible interior and terrible suspension. Nissan made a huge mistake by turning the next Z into simply a shorter wheelbase Q60 Red Sport 400, with even WORSE handling than the Q60; Toyota made the right decision by co-developing with BMW for the superior (in terms of both interior design and ride quality) Supra... even if it's a "fake" Supra. The Nissan GT-R is really just an old G37 S with a more "radical" exterior design, twin turbos, dual clutch and AWD, and it only performs so well because Nissan used expensive materials.

I'm not 100% a hater or criticizer of Nissan. I'll admit, they make SOME good TRUCKS (not cars), the Titan and Armada are okay (those are the ONLY ones NOT infiltrated by Renault engineering crap), but their competitors in the full-size light-duty pickup truck and SUV segments are much stronger in design. Whatever reputation that Nissan had was ruined by trolls on YouTube and "bad boy" douchebags (and "bad girl" attention seekers) on Instagram, TikTok and Twitter.